Thayder, SJW

These guys are looking into it...

Yeah, I think that was a part of this woman’s belief as well.

“Thayder, do you wear the SJW title with pride?”

I had a college educated woman before the election tell me that women couldn’t be president because they didn’t have the brain for it...

But his wife said it, so its okay!!

I had a college educated woman tell me before the election that she didn’t believe that women had the right type of brain to be president.

Here’s to the next Jedi lead being a trans lesbian biracial immigrant!


Except for all those thousands of titles that launch on Tuesdays...

Because people like her are emboldened after the win of the great and powerful Cheeto. The assholes are flocking out of the shadows into the light.

I once stopped a bar fight in Billings, Montana by shouting out, “This isn’t conducive!” You could see all the bar patrons stop and mouth the word conducive like they had never heard it before. (i imagine they hadn’t)

The war is only lost when we stop fighting it. (See the bush II years and France during occupation for modern reminders)

That’s awesome, man. Congrats.

The Deconstruction of Falling Stars shows humanity still willing to commit genocide hundreds of years in the future.”

All of this is possible, yes. Please do not think I am just being a contrarian. However, how well received were the pilots for Deep Space Nine and Voyager?

Plotted does not mean written. And maybe Fuller wrote a few scripts, Fuller is no longer the show runner and it is doubtful the new show runner just took Fullers script and didn’t add anything to it at all.

They have oft repeated that the teaser may not even be the design of the ship. They probably still don’t have finalized scripts at this point as they are still casting.

They are still casting and while it is a TV show, it is a science fiction TV show. You cannot South Park spaceships.

100% an appropriate response.

Yeah, I have moments where I think, “Maybe I am just being a reactionary ass, maybe it won’t be bad as we fear, and etc” and then i see Guliani saying something like, “Muslim registry is on the table.” another asshole say, “Muslim registry is okay because we interred the Japanese.” and then the fire gets stoked. I