Thayder, SJW

I voted for Bernie in the primaries, but we HAVE got to let him go. He did not have a snowballs chance in hell. Even with the stupidity from Wassermann and this lady, Bernie still would not have had a chance.

I believe some of it is a form of a long game. When and if he loses, he can point to these speeches and say, “See, I tried to reach the blacks, they just wanted free stuff.”

It’s a pity “texts with Hils” stopped after the last election. We could use those guys right around now.

As a matter of fact they have. A severe storm of comets, dust, etc. The problem is that all of those have severe problems that are contradicted.

All signs indicate, yes

They need to unionize the whole industry, hope this helps that effort.

Yeah, I would be down for pretty much any of the speculated movies.

Between the two avengers movies, I really doubt he is hurting for the monies anymore...


I read it, basically voting for Trump is okay for this sexual assault survivor because Hillary is also bad, so handwavium leviosa character no longer matters.

Oh just wait until Fox gets their cheeto stained hands on the flick when it comes out.

Yeah, that is just... yeah

He would introduce them at the end of his segment and the beginning of theirs. He is “throwing” the focus from his part of the show to theirs. A small analogy would be like when a anchor person, “turns” to their weather or sports person.

It is actually sadly true. The antagonists in the later books are deviant sex masters(mistresses) from outside the galaxy that can kill a man with their sex organs.

You must not have read the later Dune books with the deviant sex masters from outside the galaxy that can kill a man with their sex organs.

After nuking a town of innocents, killing a few bad guys pales in comparison?

OMG yes. Hate seeing them run past.

Always wanted to try ToO but don’t know three people that play.

All the stars for a Prophecy meme

Clearly the arctic ice is gone because polar bears use it to make their mixed drinks and mojitos.