Thayder, SJW

I do see that quote, now, but your conclusion is ridiculous. Science does not move at the speed of snapchat. And the other links back up the author’s assertion. So again, try harder.

I know many people in my area (oil town) that refuse to believe that the climate is warming, or if it is it is only natural and nothing to do with humanity.

I checked each link and your statement is completely incorrect. Try harder next time.

Ah, so you are right cuz you say so and we internetz should bow down and accept your decree of truth.

What is your other “so-called” proof?

Looking forward to your reign of terrrrr.... ibly good ideas.

Just started Destiny as a beginner and working my way up.

Well and truly said.

I did have to scrape the bottom of the gif barrels to find them.

I want to say that this is a song deceptively about heroin.

Was hoping someone would get my assist

Oh I would score it less than 25%. personally anyways ;)

Maybe they are afraid of pissing off the trekkies again?

I totally had the same thought

“And how do you know the same wasn’t being done for Metropolis? Hell, we saw people evacuating so it’s likely at least some managed to escape.”

Heh, Shwarma is a decent rebuttal, but no I do not think it’s the same. We know that SHIELD was there gathering everything they could and the NYPD and NYFD doing their thing. And BTW, none of those Avengers is the ideal of goodness and saving lives like Superman is supposed to be. They are called the Avengers, not the

Could be, the books are still coming out and have been for a few years, so Im sure they have probably modified that since then.

Such a dignified and introspective response.