Thayder, SJW

Opening night for the show I’m directing...

Yeah, I adored that game, such fun and great promise

Object Permanence, man. It’s a thing.

ONE past experience. That would be like, stepping out of a building and being pooped on by a bird ONCE and then assuming every time you go outside a bird will poop on you.

Where do you get your crystal ball from?

Alcoholism is rampant here in New Mexico, I knew people that got a DWI and had to get an interlock after their first offense. They just had a sober friend breathe into it or even got a homeless person to do it if none of their friends were around.

It is a bit presumptive to assume that what happened with the transition between the Xbox and the 360 will be repeated verbatim for this generation. You do not know how it will go, you can only guess based on previous history and history with ONE marker is not a trend.

The only thing worse for a studio than not making any money is to have to share that money with anybody else. That is why they don’t play, it could make a trillion dollars but they won’t do it because that means they didn’t make a trillion dollars it would only be a half a trillion and when you are in a competitive

“What I never understand is why Fox and Sony just dont capitulate to Disney and let them have whatever Marvel Character they have the rights to, let Disney make the movies, and then split the billions of dollars those movies would make from it?”

So let me get this right.

It sounds like the fans they are referring to are the fans of the previous Abrams flicks, the casual Non-trekkie moviegoer. Waiting till six weeks before release is enough for a non-geek property to showcase a trailer.

It’s almost like two people wrote two different articles. Who would have thought that there may be more than one way to look at something? WEIRD, RIGHT???

The answer to this is already out there. Hell, you already state things that you could do in your sarcastic take down. We have always known WHAT to do. People just don’t wanna. “It’s hard.” “It’s hippy dippy shit.” “China drives cars and as long as they do it doesn’t matter what I do.”

Hi action figure also had that title, If I remember correctly.

This is not necessarily “new” news. In Alec Guiness’ autobiography, he mentions Lucas coming up to him and bashfully telling him that he decided he was going to die after they had started filming.

They have not, but the law of probability states it has to happen sooner or later. Hopefully it is much later

I understand, and they may never “personify” her in the flicks. We will have to see but they could keep up his fascination with the entity even referring to her as “she” and never show the being.