Thayder, SJW

As am I... don’t want to ask too much right away tho...

At this point it just needs to be better than Into Darkness.

Isn't that like stating a favorite STD?

Not a damn thing. Elba will more than do the role justice.

Yes, let’s avoid having a high quality actor in a movie... said no filmmaker ever.

He also had his fingers in The Search for Spock.

I doubt he would rewrite another actors dialogue. Just tinker with his own


If they had printed physical discs with someone elses artwork, yes they absolutely would have been sued and lost. It’s not an idiotic scenario, its what WOULD have happened. Now they fixed it, yes. If it was such a non-issue they wouldnt have apologized and changed the trailer.

Darth Maul for Danny Rand sounds a bit better non?

Apparently Sony does, ya know the multination billion dollar company. They apoligized and recut the trailer in an afternoon. See if Naughty Dog put that in a finished game and shipped it, Ubisoft would be well in their rights to sue the shit out of them. And they would win. And every single copy of the game that sold,

That sounds like my mother’s sex ed talk. Which was about thirty minutes of...

Sorry but no.

Yeah, .5 seconds of the first trailer for a AAA title by a well respected game studio. And I appreciate the sheer amount of man hours that make his hair, THAT DOES NOT EXCUSE TAKING SOMEONE ELSES WORK AND CLAIMING IT AS YOUR OWN.

Nope. It is against law. Nice try.

The exact same lighting and angle in the picture kind of punches a hole in that theory.