Thayder, SJW

That was a great moment, i was just like Havelock, leaning in, even turned my tv up before realizing, “Right, I’m not supposed to understand.”

Absolutely! It would have been a logistical nightmare to have the Belters be in their full book glory, but they got that spirit, that angst and sense of otherness... just right

At this point though, there is nothing to be threatened by, will need to see him interact with others more to get a good read on how he will do

Yeah was very surprised to see him on the Cant, but a nice cameo ffrom a good actor.

Yeah it is just unrealistic to think that the characters will match their description in the books. All of the main characters are younger than their book counterparts. I do see the actor filling the spirit of Amos though. Time will tell

I was very happy with the first episode. Still getting used to Holden and Naomi but I am sure they will grow on me. Amos and Alex look to be perfect. Loved LOVED the detail and attention on the Cant, even dug the captain, knowing I would never see his ass again. The Ceres stuff was fairly well done, the Belter stuff

I love the shoutout to your girlfriend, my wife is very understanding as well


The picture choice is somewhat confusing... you know the DLC is free... and not usually found in the digital store?


Umm yeah every single episode of TOS, TNG, DS9, most of Voyager, most of Enterprise and every movie (minus the Motion picture)in the theatre on opening day.

Well he ruined Star Trek by making it an audition tape for Star Wars, so it should be fine.

“STID is reviled by the community of people dedicated to reviling things that are not exactly like other things in their imaginations, but the reviews (audience and critical) were generally very positive”


Agreed, they did a real good job with the pilot

To sum up their objection to your objection...

Capaldi has quickly become my favorite doctor, a position that Tennant held for a long time. The man is a damn talented actor, they took a bit to realize that but this last season, the writers seemed to discover, “If we give him lots of dialogue amazing things will come out of it.”

Right there with you on this outrage.

“I keep seeing this comment and it makes 0 sense. Why would they do that?

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