Thayder, SJW

She kinda does... on a university level. She’s not a prof... but still.

I had a friend mention that it was because he was a surgeon. That, on the whole, they are so focused on what they do that they become incredibly specialized in one field and are kind of blatantly ignorant in anything not directly related to that field. I have no idea if that holds water, I am not sure it makes me feel

I have a friend who is a biologist.. and she is such a Ben Carson fan... I just don’t get it.

Most welcome, i adore your handle by the way. Damn those bunnies.

I am familiar with all those things, amazingly enough though I did not know/remember his name. Many of things are from long long looooong ago.

Yeah as soon as I saw it I had a Homer moment. He will be an awesome addition.

This guy, for any who were like me and were saying, “Who?”

And as soon as you actually succeed in doing that, then I might be impressed. Keep trying.

Wow, I take back what I said earlier. Don’t have children. Ever.

(And to my point where they started giving princesses boobs still remains why I don’t think the mouse gives a shit about the sexualization, my point is that as a whole society SHOULD give a shit. Just a refresher for you on our actual points of view. You seem to be offended that something presented in a sexual

Yup, I will keep white knighting and you keep being a classless ass.

Nice try

I never said anything about cosplayers as that is not at all remotely what this is about.

“Why don’t you go yell at all the female cosplayers who proudly suit up in Slave Leia gear that they are just demeaning themselves giving guys like me the opportunity to leer at them?”

You know not all words and opinions are out to get one laid.

I did learn something.

I dug it too

You know Jabba didn’t dress her right?

Yes the giant lizard slug licking her with his saliva trailing off was just there to be accurate.

Popular culture used to think lynching black people was cool too, but thankfully most of us have moved on.