Thayder, SJW

And they had pictures of david prowse in Vader’s armor... your point?

i hope not

Awesome,I didn’t realize how much about Venus I didn’t know. Thank you.

Don’t feel dumb. I am a tech teacher and I didn’t know how to get out.

Yeah, barrowman is definitely my man crush

Well, his respnse to that would be, “Putin will be so pissed scared of a real leader he will gladly lick the Donald’s ass to get back in his good graces.”

“All this Star Wars hoopla is just a BFD as far as I am concerned. “

Not to leap into the fray of this, but the draw for me on the” kind of off but not really” thing is that my Xbox updates when it is in that mode. If there is a new piece of DLC or something I bought on the website or one of the monthly updates that Microsoft sends out to improve the console, it does all this when I am

You KNOW the Neesons needs to find that yellow brick road!

“Secondly, the Thing is not really a remake as I constantly see people try to claim. It’s based on the same source material, but it is not a remake of the other film. It’s why Hook is not a remake of Peter Pan. It’s the same source material, but they did something different with it”

Really Gary Oldman and Alan Rickman as villains or heroes...


They are all quite good.

Sadly he is still a representative. And even sadder, this probably means a balls ass crazy Tea Partier taking his stead. At least the establishment Republicans understood that sometimes one has to compromise. One of those yahoos becomes speaker, the government will shut down for the stupidest of fucking reasons and it

And maybe a microphone...

That is a very fair point, I should not have used anorexic in such a form.

“ I wonder who won out in that one.”