Thayder, SJW

UGH, this is sad. The establishment is going to drive him away.

ahem with a large helping hand from Judith and Garfield Reeves Stevens....

Maybe Jesus was a time traveller...

“Also, anyone want to bet that Apocalypse is the villain for the first two-thirds of the film, only to be usurped by Magneto at the end? It would be a shocking twist that we’ve never before seen in an X-Men movie.”

“It’s true that hunting down the question marks in Skellige is kind of a waste of time.”

Curiosity is always a good thing.

I dug it.

It sounds like you are exploring a whole area. The game is not setup where the first open area is all lower level, in fact some of the toughest creatures in the game are in the Hinterlands. You need to move on to the Sword Coast or the Swamps...

“Did anyone genuinely enjoy the game enough to play all this DLC and not hate yourself every minute?”

You know the twenty some odd hours I spent drudging up every question mark in Skellige kind of killed the Witcher for me. Still have not finished. Whereas I have played through Inquisition two times and started my third character this weekend.

I know it’s just my opinion, but Skye rocks.

This is disgusting. I cannot believe this, one day the news is about a new small device that can connect you to the combined sum of human history and civilization and then the next day backwards asshats are trying to recreate 1950, wire hangers and all.

I use to feel the same, but with this article and the article about River coming back, I feel that not only does he not like writing about doctor who, but is beginning to resent having to write about it.

Is it too much to ask to have someone who, at least kind of, likes Dr Who to write about it? The sarcasm and apathy dripping from Rob’s comments in the last several articles is pretty pathetic.

A million times yes

That is basically my story as well. I had got a Nintendo 64, hoping for some Final Fantasy goodness and then learned that Nintendo didn’t want to do RPG’s for some reason. Then i learned about FFVII and I spent my tax money getting a playstation. Good times

Good for her!

You said it better than I did, my point exactly.

Actually a more appropriate analogy would be saying that Prince is a better actor than Justin Beiber... Which I think is probably true.

Sadly the Christian people as a whole, still cling to the millennia old conceit that just being Christian is a lifetime sentence of persecution and pain. Examples of this include the crucifixion, the persecution of Christians in Rome, and other scattered “tales” of history.