Thayder, SJW

While Urban’s is superior in EVERY way, I do sort of enjoy the Stallone vehicle. Armand Assante was very fun as the bad guy, the costumes and set pieces were very well done for the time, hell even Rob Schneider is almost likeable in the flick. Jurgen Prochnow, Max Von Sydow... awesome as always. Stallone even almost

Ah yes the old, “Criminals don’t follow laws, so why should things be illegal,” yarn. I’m proud that as Americans we see this really hard problem and breathe a deep breath and say, “fuck it man, it’s too hard.”

Not exactly but kinda. You should look up white holes, they are just theoretical but some astrophysicists think there is the opposite of a black hole out there. A singularity that spews time, matter, gravity, etc...

I lost someone to gun violence years ago, and it breaks my heart, especially after Sandy Hook, that the conversation about guns hasn’t produced anything meaningful.

We basically have a toupee rack running for office in our country... hell it’s worse than a toupee... its a comb-over

“There are expectations here. Those expectations were met by the previous cast, and they may not be met by the new one.”

Unless they decide to say, “Fuck it” and just keep the show going forever. Believe me, HBO would give them all the monies if the show runners ever agreed to just keep going...

“That one had a script by Marti Nixon (Friday Night Lights)“

I’d buy one

Damn straight its not an insult

Nope it’s Contact.

I would have to say that Skellige has that quantity over quality crap, I swear I put an entire nation of smugglers out of business by drudging up all that shite.

LMAO, sorry, sometimes I am Captain Literal.

Actually from what I understand, they have an interesting relationship. She is “allowed” to date/sleep with whoever she wants and he gets to be okay with it.

LOL I do not think so.

I love the energy of Killjoys, even with Planet Vancouver i dig the hell out of it.

Ive enjoyed it so far. I enjoy Felicity and Diggles the most so far. Ollie is growing on me. Laurel... well... ugh.

I’m giving it a shot, I’m about half way through the first season. I do have to say that I am a fan of Agents of SHIELD and appreciate its long form story.