Thayder, SJW

I uh... I approve

I recall reading an article around christmas, where Moffat theorized that the Osgood that was disintegrated WAS the Zygon Osgood.


WAIT A MINUTE.... “DOCTOR”? If that is your real name!

My mom adopted me and spent a great deal of time after that blaming me for that fact. It’s not entirely all her fault, i accidentally shot my adopted (meaning he was adopted too)baby brother in the forehead when I was four. It was an accident but it fucked our relationship up pretty much forever. She entered her



Don’t mock the machine

Happy birthday young doctor.

UGH I HATED this. FFIX was the first final fantasy i didn’t finish. I am a completest and did not have internet at the time and bought the game and that damn book.

This looks awesome, have been interested since it was announced and with the Wachowskis AND Straczynski, it could rock oh so hard...

“I also don’t have the greatest sympathies for those laid off because, well, welcome to the real world”

See guys! I found a snowball on the internet, thus disproving al gore and the libratards forever.../sarcasm

I can kinda see that, but Whitehalls greatest strength was his dedication to science and using those tools. That does not necessarily make a great leader.

Awesome read, thank you.

I do like how they are focusing on Dany a little bit. Yeah, post Drogo she was a badass, conquering cities, taking names, melting people... but when it comes to actually ruling, she is not doing so great because guess what RULING IS HARD AND STUFF.

I was literally about to post the same image, tho I believe a HBO or Showtime miniseries would also be effective...

or a cable car...


I have not heard many Atheists say that, as I have not heard many of them calling out the Tooth Fairy.