Thayder, SJW

Kudos for slipping avec into your post

I know you've received a lot of flack, undeservedly so. I became extremely cynical after the prequels and cartoons and all as well. I do have a bit of hope after seeing the two trailers and knowing JJ usually doesn't produce a bad movie. Wouldn't it be awesome if it rocked? And who knows it might even just.

Yes, who in the galaxy would want an artifact of the last Sith Lord...

Yeah it's the Rogue spinoff that Williams is not doing, but he is signed up for 7, 8, and 9.



Hey a great meal can be just as good as sex. :)

It's not already viewed that way?

I doubt it... Marvel has the kids. Those kids will grow up to be Marvel nerds.

LOL, awesome response

I thought the same too, sadly though I think the first woman president would bring out the real kooks before the first African American president. Though Warren would get my vote in a heartbeat, and I’m tall so maybe I can just stand in front of her when she’s in public.

IGN did a running review over the weekend, but that's the only space Ive seen something pop up

I worry about her running, she’s the kind of liberal that would end up under some nuts crosshairs.

Your husband is very lucky.

Well yeah that is kind of a duh, huh?


I am filled with glee at seeing Belgarath at number one, he is the wizard I would most like to hang around with...

The Prince approves...

The show runner and fight choreographer credit old boy and the raid for that shot