Thayder, SJW

You forget, she has one advantage. She knows that the repubs play dirty, she’s been the brunt of their shit for a very long time. She will not take their shit I don’t think. Obama tried really hard to meet them halfway for a long time. And frankly I would rather gridlock than giving the right a free pass for 4-8 years.

"To the extent that Luke Skywalker is the main character of the trilogy, he's eclipsed by the supporting cast, including Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca and the droids, R2D2 and C-3PO."

Ten thousand kwatloos for your B5 reference!

I adore her. Always such a class act, in my experience anyways

Yeah Austin seems like an amazeballs place to live... but the sheer stupidity of the rest of the state will make it so I will never move there...

This is one of my guilty pleasure movies, the acting from some really good people, the ambience and setting, and love that “Fuck this ship!”

(sorry couldn't help it) :p

Oy yeah... been there

That's a great question

I would wager it is Gonzales himself.

And of course if one, ONE I SAY, African American says something hateful about this situation, the entire African American community must denounce that person that reflects the entire race.

"Or if it was a white person, they are just lost and not indicative of any systemic racism at all."

There's a giant asterix at the end of the bible that says Christians can be as judgmental and sinful as they want, cause they have the Heaven club card and that means that sins only count if you're not Christian.

Remember Jenny Calendar was Romani.

Did it get dusty in here?

Correction, the first season was in-freaking-credible until the season finale when two of the most powerful beings on the planet had the saddest weakest fight ever.