Thayder, SJW

Meh, I have both and it can be a very mixed bag

Agreed, but studios are convinced that episodic brings in more viewers, which is ALL they care about.

You notice, I did not call you sexist or racist, nor an idiot.

Im in that minority with ya

Then you are lucky enough to be an artist that hasn't HAD to make this choice, or be an artist whose art has killed or hurt. A first world luxury to be sure.

Yeah both sides are guilty of "bribing" scientists...

The artist and DC owe you nothing and they can retract their unreleased product for whatever reason they want. You can take it personally and try to cry "censorship", but until you make your own art and have to face the choices of what your art may incite, your opinion counts for exactly two things.

Sorry to burst your bubble but your one source has been refuted time and time again. But thanks for your own attempt at spreading false information.

And let's not forget the nonhuman life that will be impacted. Entire food chains will disappear due to the climate being either too warm or too cold. Mass extinctions will become the order of the day. We are already seeing this in the ocean, there was an article on io9, just the other day about coral bleaching and

It would help if the "scientists" that disagree actually had degrees in anything remotely resembling the climate. Also if a scientist argues that climate change is a fraud but is paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the industry that is pumping co2 into the air, well that is just like believing that the boy

"plus it might also be helpful if y'all didn't actively look for an apocalypse.. heck i remember when Gore said we'd be under water by now"

If you get your science from Time magazine, then you kind of deserve to be called an idiot.

Yeah, every word I hear from this game jazzes me up more!

I have had a few experiences with actual Satanists.

Hey we have lake adjacent people here in the southwest... i don't think any of them would ever get in that thing thats technically called a lake, but you get what I'm saying!

Desplat is awesome and also belongs to the same school of thought as Williams when it comes to scoring a film

"Yet in the TV show she seems to be very intelligent and street smart and not at all worried about material things."

Shitty people will always try to co-op the language of those that make them feel like they are less. These shitty people think if they hijack the language then they will be viewed as well as the people they were shitting on.