Thayder, SJW

I live in America and it would take me 12-20 hours to download 25 GB.


Read Good Omens as well, will immediately make your whole life better.

It's supposed to be connected with Civilization Beyond Earth as well... not entirely sure how yet

On his way out, can we sing him the song of his people?

Oh so iconic. Tho I see this now every time I hear it.

It is a testament to Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno that they made that dried up way of storytelling work as long as it did, i really doubt we would have seen the gray hulk that could talk and was a loan shark on primetime tv in the 80s

While Bixby's version was awesome, it does a great injustice to the comic. Peter David alone did so many great Hulk stories over the years that are more than the 70's 80's, the status quo never really changes type of stories we got on tv.

Sorry, replied quickly before lunch, thus the spelling error. It is not a question, it has been stated quite a few times. Skrulls cannot be currently used by the MCU because they are "attached" with the Fantastic Four brand.

Scrulls are owned by Fox, that is why we got the Chitauri in the First Avengers.

First off we are talking about an online component that has never been utilized in a video game in this way before. As a matter of fact it appears that at every step of the way it was more of a figuring out how to get heists to work for all consoles.

If they do, they are probably all called variations of Kim Jong Un (Like Kimmy Road or LowFat Skim Milk Unlatta)and no matter the flavor each one is the most popular selling yogurt in the world.

"The complaints on Jezebel are nothing more than fashionable politics and bullshit posturing.

North Korea has frozen yogurt, right??

I'm a teacher at an elementary and I loved nothing more than being told, that after Sandy Hook, I still had no cause or reason to want sensible gun laws because I tread on the sacred words of a poorly understood amendment.

That would have been a great place, but I totally understand your not wanting to engage the annoying in a bar.


I have a few...