Thayder, SJW

TOTALLY! I mean if you want to ignore everything written about the character in the books and shown in the movies, then yeah Snape=Hitler.

Sirius... the one who worshipped James. That is your objective witness. If you spoke to my best friend, he would probably speak very highly of me too.

You have quite a fascination with the fan fiction hypothesis of yours. Methinks more than a few people agree with me.

One would think that the possibility that Data may take the Starship would have been discussed and maybe some overrides put in place...

I recognize that you really feel there is. I have friends in Equity and SAG though and am working on entry myself, and everyone I spoke to called it a union.

Its gotten me through quite a bit as well, life and school.

(Seriously, I don't know where you're going in this thread.)

Thus the, "I imagine" part.

"Sigh. Do a bit more research about the differences between Guilds and Trade Unions and get back to me."

Teachers are not ever there to be nice cuddly buddies. Sometimes your teacher needs to be a jerk, like if you were teaching a class where your life was on the line.

I have read the books many times.

From Sag's website after I googled, "is sag a union"

"No one is saying James was perfect." And I am not trying to say that Snapes was.

"He hates Harry solely because of James"

No you didn't, but Harry was very much his father's son. Harry deserved a bit of it. Im not saying Snape was perfect or made poor choices, but it would have been easier for him to toss everyone to voldemort and enjoy being second fiddle to the worlds most powerful wizard. But he didn't, because of his love.

"A Guild or other professional association would be a better fit."

Thank you. Your awesomeness goes beyond my paltry knowledge of language to describe.

"anyone who wasn't Snape describes James, they speak about him in positively glowing terms, "

Nice! I love that bit. The bridge between Duke and Fremen

Glad Im able to bring love and light to where its needed.