Thayder, SJW

Ive been watching his show for almost the whole time it was on, I have never met Mr. Stewart or anyone associated with that awesome program, but I am with you. I did not have that impression either.

You are welcome to disagree, however every character fits an archetype, intentionally. (Eddings studied classic literature extensively.) The author states as much in a book he published called the Rivan Codex where he breaks down his writing for the series. The archetype that Silk fills is the same one that Han Solo

Michael Che is funny but his delivery has always struck me as high school drama kid and lacks the timing the host of the Daily Show would need...

I had the same thought

This article tickles me in ways that are awesome and very groovy. Eddings is still one of my favorite authors and I get a joy reading about others who dig him.

All the points of the other readers are very valid, and I'll add one more. Within the story there is actually a rather theological reason why people from these places are the way they are.

Are they seriously TRYING to bring back back alley, coat hanger abortions???

I'm guessing Ultron may also shape the conflict in Civil War quite a bit as well.

I would love to see a discussion on OLC. What's that you ask? Why that's every physical copy of any game you've ever purchased. OLC stands for Original Licensed Content, that's right kiddies, when you plunk sixty hard earned dollars on a game, you are not buying it. You are leasing it.

"biggest flop in gaming history."


"Beta boy" "Christy Mack's ex" "Soda Machine"

Cupids' arrows, 20 for a dollar.


"Also, I'm not saying his ''name,'' legal or not."

Well, that is the conservative mantra. If you make sex disease free, everyone would start fucking all over the place with anybody they could.

It is beautifully shot though, the scene at the end of Friday's episode with him and Zed in the cathedral... beautifully done.

Some of my best memories come from LARPing V:tM in Portland.

That would be my thinking...