Thayder, SJW

Not even documents, a guy who worked for LBJ is pissed that LBJ isn't shown as being more on board for the civil rights act. Oh and one of his biographers, basically they are pissed the white guy doesn't get more credit for making black lives better.

From my understanding, it would be buckets of buckets of skill at editing to pull that off

"Where's all the shit?"

Just saw that one too

I had heard that even the authors had thought the vomit zombies a bit much, which is why they haven't really resurfaced.

Check the other Gawker article about this, there are quite a few comments from people who have had experiences there and apparently the dealership has a history of treating customers like shit.

Vomit zombies have not reappeared... as of book four anyway

I agree, each one has upped the quality.

They are all an awesome read, bump them up

Evans signed for six. Cap I and II, Avengers, Age of Ultron, and Civil War makes five and then assume he is in the infinity war (at least in one of them and his contract is fulfilled.) Sure, they COULD buy RDJ for a week, or pretty much outright own some twenty to thirty year old for the same amount and make him a

That will come after the big hullabullo methinks. Create some space between Downey Jr's Iron Man and whatever cheap twenty something they can get to replace him.

It has to happen at some point, they cannot have Thor, Cap, et al around forever. To grow they have to diversify.


Well the debt, of course, is caused by freeloaders, atheists, and hippies so yanking money from the poor and destitute is something that will not only help ease the debt but get those commie pinko bastards in their proper place.*

Showing the other opinion used to be law. Was quite a big deal in radio and TV that if you showed one side of an issue you had to show another. The FCC got rid of that in the 80's because it was too burdensome to always find the other point if view.

I don't see how Captain America would make it less misogynistic, if anything knowing there was a MAN that was an actual bona fide superhero would make things even harder for women. And when I say the 40's were not kind to women, that is a vast understatement. Agent Carter would not have existed in 40's America... at