Thayder, SJW


I liked it quite a bit

Or 1940's America was not friendly to women... at all

Comedy is actually fairly tough to film for and maybe not the best example of what I think you were trying to say. Comedy usually has do be done perfectly, timing, sets, lights, and then if a take is flubbed that might mean resetting and that can get very expensive (broken glass, set pieces etc depending on what kind

Sorry, my alter ego just happens to be Captain Literal sometimes...

Yeah but that kind of CGI is pretty cheap these days. The cheapy cheap version of that is what one would see on Once Upon a Time.

They also had an amazing producer who was able to schedule 8-4 Mon-Fri shots by breaking the script down and filming wildly out of sequence.

Isn't it just made by one or two?

Movies tend to use a few hundred (or more) people that are extremely qualified for their job, whereas most TV Shows maybe have a dozen or two behind the scenes folk.

Now playing

Apparently so many olds are liking it, it prompted this amusing sketch...

Could the newsletter be called Feminewsies?

They do, at least I know several, but it's a real boys club to try to break through...


Damn good in the Interview as well.

Uncle Sam wants YOU (for research)...

That one is pretty awesome

Actually I believe it is Disney that is fighting the good fight against letting copyright lapse here in the good ole states...

Did you even read the article?

There is not an official time length to determine a teaser from a trailer but Marvel themselves in all the hubbub leading up to it were very careful to call it a teaser.