Thayder, SJW

Wow... there are only two sentences there, aren't there?

Yeah there is so much awesomeness that we could possibly see in Agent Carter. Zola, the formation of HYDRA in SHIELD, and thats just what I can remember now. Its an awesome time to be a Geek.

Good points, awesome about Slattery being in Ant Man

Thats right, probably something we will see in Agent Carter at some point. Squee

Im a teacher, I'm not taking vacation, I'm getting vacation. and believe me, work has been going on, students are insane this time of year.

7 hours till two weeks vacation

Didn't they mention it was a car wreck in one of the previous Iron Man films...? so it would be a "new reveal" as opposed to the burning vengeance from childhood... not that that is a great difference... but at least its not the same.

"Oh, but I do. It helps separate me from you. After all, it's a good thing that you're beneath me. It means things are right in the world."


"I'm a "protect your assets" kind of asshole. Guess which one of us probably has more money?"

Sorry, Coward, you have me confused with another stereotype. I am a "show must go on", kind of asshole.

Well, coward, the CIA and The FBI don't hold any credence to the threats or the capabilities of a world power that still cannot launch one missile without a problem.

I was trying to edit that my comment was a bit insensitive but if rational people are the equal to ostriches hiding from fear then I guess the sand trap fits.

I'm a bit amazed you can see anything through the sand your head is buried in.

Remember when Hollywood had balls to make silly movies about horrid governments.

Exactly, now if Mr Un, would give us a list of approved topics and film makers we can just continue on our way.

I thoroughly agree, I think he's funny

I thought it pretty funny. Stupid, but funny

Abandoning freedom for the illusion of security is a conservative principle sir. But thanks for trying to make this a partisan issue.

Thanks, I wasn't aware that goat herders were the guardians of the mighty ellipses. Maybe you should talk to goats more, you might learn something.