Thayder, SJW

Wow, thank you so much for showing me what a worthy intellectual looks like... or did you really just play conservative bullshit lingo bingo to respond. Calling me a cunt... classy. Eat a dick... that's an insult? Clearly you hate the US so leave the fucking country... Douchebag classic.

And todays award for Not understanding Hollywood GOES TO.... deathvalleyqueen.



Absolutely! Maybe in the future Mr Un can give us a list of approved topics for films, so that we don't hurt his feelers.

It's awesome that that appears to be the case. Sadly though you are too biased by the "liberal" media. Racism is still such a huge problem and the reaction of most caucasians is to ignore it, pretend it doesn't exist, or go full asshole and say the only racism that exists is the racism against white people.

No right I'm sure it was the Republic of Tonga that was a part of the Coalition of the Willing that slaughtered that half a million. Plausible deniability is a cowardly way of denying blame. Oh so everybody tortures... i guess that makes it all right then. Yeah he lied... tell me if torture is okay then why would he

I am right there with you. I am sickened and disgusted by this survey. 9/11 taught us one thing apparently, that if you are afraid its fine and dandy to toss out morals, laws, the right fucking thing and use cowardice and fear as a justification for evil acts.

I know I am in the minority here, but I am of the opinion that Ms. Jolie's talents are ridiculous overstated. I am not a fan. Liked Hackers... and that's about it.

Two dollars for one thing and ten dollars for like twenty things is hardly the same.

I dug it quite a bit. The throne is pretty awesome and the mounts can be cool depending on what kind of character you are playing. The soundtrack is indeed the big draw, but I am a soundtrack fan.

I think most are behind the two film at maybe two to two and a half hour mark. As was the original plan before New Line thought, "huh... almost all the hookers and blow we bought from the LOTR money seem to be dwindling.... Let's make THREE HOBBIT movies so we can have hookers and blow for life*!!!!!"

Vorlons vs Shadows was pretty fun...

What would Fox do if they couldn't ruin everything we love... ?

I would wager on option B...

But tonight you will find out, the "earth" they are on is fake and is in fact a space ship conducting a weird thought experiment.... IN SPACE....

When I was in high school, I remember getting scholastic magazine and there being a "current" map of the country... New Mexico was listed as a territory.