Thayder, SJW

I own an Xbox One, and I will not be buying it. But I'm weird...

Trenchcoats are definitely the modern robe... or cape

HA! You win. Well done.

Trench coats are a nice easy cheat for a robe... or a cape

Lucifer isn't bad enough?

Supernatural DID draw a lot from Hellblazer, hell Castiel is dressed as Constantine for crying out loud. I agree the show should be given some time to find its footing. It has already done something Supernatural has never done... it has creeped me out. I love how dirty and filthy the world is, supernatural has

I dearly hope you are correct. He does deserve to pay for what he did.

This is not something I am hoping for by the way. He should be castrated and publicly humiliated and then forgotten forever.

Not only that, but "fighting for my life"? Was her friend Batman, because unless it was, I bet the only people fighting for their lives were not named War Machine

Because he's a celebrity and probably fairly well off and a man. I suspect he will be completely free in a month or two. maybe probation, but not like real probation. Maybe a commercial or two.

"This ordeal has just been hell on me."

Hey now, i would say its a bit unfair to say that the Dems had put up zero effort. This was the most expensive midterm elections in the history of elections. No, the problem was that Dems didn't turn out to vote... Which is a trend during any midterms. And my personal problem with the candidates is that they were

Fallacy... i do not think you know what that word means...

I just had a scary mental image of Putins' infamous "topless on a horse picture" but instead of being on a horse he is topless behind Marty McFly on the Back to the Future poster...

Yeah he tends to get arrested a lot when he's using...

Ah yes Ally McBeal, his first comeback... that did not go very well

Firaxis is pretty good about adding features in their DLC. I am beyond stoked to see where Beyond Earth will be going. All we need now is an updated Alpha Centauri.

Personally speaking, I would think a reviewer wouldn't nor shouldn't look to people complaining on reddit or any other site for a review. It would be too easy for other biases to be introduced into the formula of the review, IMHO

I do believe, and will look to see if I can find confirmation, that as long as they exercise the rights they can hold them as long as they want.