
This 8-month-old Dawes piece is back in the top 10 articles of the day. Good work everyone!

The first time Dawes ever performed, they were playing on a street corner in LA. Two hours later, they had $100,000 in their guitar case.

Isn't that less money than it costs to put just one of the members through art school?

also, how would they perform? "Yo dawg, you like totally did your thing by pushing play, occasionally moving some bars in abelton, and waving your hands in the air"

How will they judge this in any way that mainstream audiences will comprehend.
Randy Stand-In: "Yo dawg, you like totally did your thing…all those cool womps, bleeps and boops and shit"

It's kind of elegant in its simplicity and honesty, they are adult males and there is more than one of them. I'm surprised its never been used before in the history of music.

Yes he does, and the Cake Boss now runs the cafeteria.

That post definitely didn't bother me, but it definitely deserved a backlash. Also, I think the meme  it created is too powerful to ever die. Even if it fades, it will be revived the next time Dawes releases an album or does another AVC undercover.

I'd prefer the 'Wolfman's Wedding Reception" by the Goofy Tunes.

I actually found that by just typing 'Dubstep Onomatopoeia' into google.

that's one of the key sets. the main draw is that your kids get to steer a rabbit firetruck, while 'Funtime' is blasted in the background.

I can't wait to one day take my children on Mr. Curtis's Wild Ride at Disney World.

Wow seven months….I guess that Laurel Canyon is a land outside of time. And, yeah a dedicated column for music recommendations is a really sound idea, and the AV Club should draw more attention to artists on rise. But come on… it was called 'We Love the New Dawes Album, and Here's Why You Should Too', and had an

The Girl With the Dawes Tattoo 
Dawes II: Stockholm Nights
Dawes 2: Krona Never Sleeps

This is exactly what the Dawes post should have been…can it get a dedicated section in music features instead of Newswire?


That's exactly why I've been following Dawes on tour for the last year,


Song: "Angel Of Death"

I expect everyone on this site to vote for that one. Also, they should get Jon Benjamin to sing it.