
Don't worry little album, I'll listen to you!

This in no way compares to Beady Eye music

There were some really good albums that came out this week, did we really need to hear that Evanescence is shit… I assume most people on this site have listened to It's Not Funny.

The question isn't HOW black he is, good Constable…but WHEN black.

No love for Buffy in this entire article?

I like 2 Broke Girls because of Kat Dennings boobs… You like 2 Broke Girls because of Whitney Cummings.

Bonham was also the session drummer on Hurdy Gurdy Man.

Yeah, I was just randomly listening to Fighting Genghis Smith when  I saw this article, and assumed he'd get a mention. He's most famous for his association with Jimmy Page and Pink Floyd, was he a major figure in this movement?


She's probably gonna just Photoshop in Ewoks and Dewback lizards a few years later.

Girls who are Dawes….
Who like boys to be Dawes…
Who sing Dawes like they're girls…
Who sing Dawes like they're boys…
Always should be someone you really Dawes…

Me and Artemis Clyde Frog…saving Selma Hayek from the metal spiders…. wiki wiki wah!

Did that really happen? Why didn't the AV Club review it?

Mr. Hyden, I'm willing to accept that I should love Dawes too, that Ke$ha is brilliant critique of contemporary pop culture, or that Crystal Slits are pretty good, maybe? But 'Coldplay' and 'worthwhile' in the same sentence strains all credibility.

I saw the word Door, and expected this to be another terrible Doors techno mashup album.

I Am The One True Dawes…There Shall Be No Dawes After Me!

Do you think Archer will freak out like he usually does, or will he be ecstatic that his mother banged Gator?

That story lack an extended Allison Brie cleavage shot.

Annie's story might have been the hottest thing ever.

But 11 less than 24… the highest of all the numbers