
I don’t know how many more games they’d win, but I believe Kaep wouldn’t lose them as many. Does that make sense?

Oh, there they go. There they go, every time I start talkin’ ‘bout fighting, a white man got to pull Matt Murdock out they ass. That’s their one, that’s their one. Matt Murdock! Matt Murdockut! Let me tell you something, once and for all-Matt Murdock was good; but compared to Luke Cage, Matt Murdoch ain’t shit.

Listen, you unamerican scumbag, I won’t let you sully this here comment section with that kind of drivel!

lol u idiot

.... Or rather, good thing that Michael Bennett isn’t a quarterback and thus doesn’t throw the ball at all, and good thing you can tell an obvious joke when you see it.


Judging from that hairline he has good knowledge of fucked up clippers.

“Yeah, man. No stomach for risk at all. They need to just stop waiting for everyone else to make the first move and just jump in. Have they learned nothing from my brother Leroy?”

+1 grown adult saying “poopings”

If you believe Scaramucci—you shouldn’t—Trump has thrown a perfect spiral through a tire.

Lena Dunham has joined the cast of season seven, according to Ryan Murphy on Twitter.

That’s exactly how Judgement Day starts!

Here come the O’s with just enough good play to make sure they are not going to make any real change to the roster for the long haul. Then back to being shitty after the trade deadline. Book it.

I don’t need to outrun a T. Rex. I just need to outrun Nedry.

Women do it all the time...

Two words - Uwe Boll

When the final fight rolls around, mute the movie itself and put on the appropriate song from the soundtrack. Unmute after they kill the final boss.

More of an existential threat when coming from Magic.

My man loves the movie ‘The Usual Suspects,’ but hates that you never learn who Keyser Söze is.