Judging from that hairline he has good knowledge of fucked up clippers.
Judging from that hairline he has good knowledge of fucked up clippers.
“Yeah, man. No stomach for risk at all. They need to just stop waiting for everyone else to make the first move and just jump in. Have they learned nothing from my brother Leroy?”
+1 grown adult saying “poopings”
If you believe Scaramucci—you shouldn’t—Trump has thrown a perfect spiral through a tire.
Here come the O’s with just enough good play to make sure they are not going to make any real change to the roster for the long haul. Then back to being shitty after the trade deadline. Book it.
More of an existential threat when coming from Magic.
My man loves the movie ‘The Usual Suspects,’ but hates that you never learn who Keyser Söze is.
A circle is not a Venn diagram.
There can be “bests” in competitive games. That is a fact you seem to not comprehend. OP also seemed to be goofing off with his post, aka not overly serious.
Bud Heremails!
“featherweight goober” +1
Imagine being such a featherweight goober that you meltdown on Facebook and start pursuing disciplinary action against a person in real life because they memed you on Facebook.
If he thinks that’s bad, he’s really not going to like it when the internet realizes he blew a 3-1 lead in the election.
You think the customization options are robust in this game? Lol.
I got the gummies and they got flagged by TSA in my carry-on! They appeared as a big black mass of not-quite liquid on screen so they checked it out. The agent said I could keep them if I could sing the Gummi Bears theme song - luckily I’m a child of the 80s! Also, 10 people were unable to finish the bag over the…
I got the gummies and they got flagged by TSA in my carry-on! They appeared as a big black mass of not-quite liquid…
That old school DX football jersey tho <3<3<3
Genitalia is better.
This woman is a true hero. I should celebrate by sending her pictures of my genitals, right?