
If he was interested in making the market better for “everyone”, he’d look into the market share his Unreal Engine holds.  This isn’t about bettering anyone but Epic and his saccharine words are PR nonsense. Exclusives are the quickest way for Epic to build their own foundation, not necessarily the best.  It sets an

Why do you find it irritating?

Even though Lunar has been on many platforms, it could still benefit from a complete remake bringing the graphics to modern standards.  As I mentioned in my post, I think it SSSC and EB would benefit from the DQXI style presentation.

My quick list includes games already mentioned in the thread (and some surprises), but here they are again!

I still play this game.  Had it been released earlier in the life of the PSX, we’d have a Vagrant Story franchise.  Shame it was released when the system was on its deathbed. Absolutely stellar game.

Glad they’ve fixed the translation.

I’m just wondering if they’ll make her a better combatant.  Her stats and limits in the original made her barely more remarkable than Cait Sith and Vincent, which is disappointing.

weren’t they always nose hairs?

Why Mr. Pibb when you can Dr. Pepper?

Michael Fahey near Atlanta.

$15? Sold.

I seem to recall seeing this routine years ago.

Set internal deadlines without publicly announcing a release date until you have realistic expectations.  That’s one way to avoid crunch.

Terribly mean spirited and, on a long enough timeline, has karma built in for this child star.

She has been a huge part of the expanded franchise for years.  Stellar, stellar work that has helped shape the reception here in the states.  One of the single worst policies I’ve ever encountered.

Woah... really? I didn’t even prepare a speech.  Woefully unprepared.  Congrats to the other participants - I was up against some outrageously creative competition (and, if I’m being honest here - many of your entries were executed far better than my composition).  Thanks Zack!

“Yet even as it rolls out its Epic Mega Sale, the Epic Games Store doesn’t have a shopping cart”

I didn’t mention the church in my statement. 

Looks exactly how I’d expect a Sonic movie: take an existing Nintendo property (in this case Detective Pikachu) and tear out all of the heart and soul from it.  Throw in some snarky one liners and marinate in camp.