
I’m a lesbian with an practical haircut so the whole idea is beyond me.

Yes! I used to hate yoga until I found “my yoga” at this wonderful women-owned, women-run studio that takes all of the competitiveness and achievement out of it and focuses on everyone being able to practice no matter their current physical state (elderly, pregnant, disabled, obese,etc.). I love it! So I thought,

You know when you meet a new friend and you’re like, You are fucking hilarious! And it seems like you have so much in common and she tells the funniest stories and it’s all sunshine and light and drinking too much and stumbling home but then one morning she calls crying and is like, can I borrow money for an

You do realize that assuming people of color automatically speak improper English OR that poor people automatically have heavy accents and spew slang is from whence this problem comes, right? That it’s racist in and of itself?

Now playing

Yeah...all the drama aside, this is hardly a big deal. AND...and...this is hardly news anyways. All you have to do is watch a video of when the “Not Guilty” verdict was announced and look at Kardashians face...Priceless.

They actually have an episode about this involving Kris.

I don’t care what anyone says, I love Kim Kardashian. I have probably seen like 5 episodes of her show and much of what I know about her is from sites like these, but I really think she is hilarious and a cool person. She’s been around forever and honestly no one seems to ever have anything truly bad to say about her.

Ugh. If I’m ever eaten by a 23-foot-long reticulated python in the remote village of Salubrio, I hope the villagers who discover me at least have enough respect to film the extraction of my corpse horizontally.

Corey Gamble seems like a good dude. I’ve watched far too much KUWTK (their monotone voices are soothing to my mom who has early onset Alzheimer’s) and he stepped up for Kourtney’s kids when Scott Disick was off being, you know, Scott Disick. I hope he sticks around for those kids, they’ve had a lot of upheaval

I think* he was (is?) Justin Bieber’s manager.

I guess I stopped watching at the end of the last season because I decided there was enough violence and dread and gore in the real world (especially politics) that I no longer feel the need to watch it on tv. When everything was great under Obama, watching Walking Dead made sense but now . . . no thanks. I’ll go

Do we know that she was cheating? Because the other possibility is that she was just feeling a little down and needed a pick-me-up. You know, some extra attention and people feeling sorry for her. I don’t think it’s a particularly common thing, but I went to high school with someone like that. The first time she

Attention seeking. I recently read an article about a woman who posted false stories about losing her child to online grief support communities. She kept up her lie for some time, continuing to post to the boards, because she wanted attention. In college, I was on the same dorm floor as a girl who lied about having

She was gagged and dragged by her legs into another area. She sure as shit was was the victim of assault and robbery! She’s vapid but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t suffer from trauma.

That video is a thing of beauty.

Jason Derulo’s face annoys me. I don’t know why. I don’t question the universe’s wisdom.

Every time I read one of these sweet stories about a cat saving their family I look over at my kitty, and she gives me a look that clearly says I would totally let you die.

Not to be that gal, but my sympathy for folks who go through these losses is tempered (though not removed, of course) by their refusal to acknowledge Science. Now, of course, plenty of babies are born disfigured or experience tragic deaths even though their parents did everything modern medicine has to offer, but to