
The best advice I can give is for him to intern at legal organizations and/or law firms (even if unpaid) before deciding to go to law school. He can get a sense of the day-to-day work and whether he would enjoy it before making the immense financial commitment to go to law school.

I’m about to graduate from law school and I have already secured a post-bar job. I’m also the president of my school’s gay-straight alliance, which partners with the comparable organization in my local legal community. If he’s smart enough to get pretty good grades and he can be an effective networker, he will be

this kid is laser focused on doing good for the LGBT community

I have no advice... but starring and commenting to promote.

So any lawyers out here? I know there are and no, I am not asking for legal advice. My son, age 19, is a freshman in college right now and is gay. That matters because he is very interested in supporting and championing the LGBT community. He is currently a business major. He is thinking about changing to pre-law and

I am sending my congressman a gift pack of Chapstick for valentine’s day. His lips must be so chapped from kissing Trump’s ass so much. I was thinking of sending some lube and anal-ease too for easier insertion of his head up Trump’s ass, but I’m on a budget.

Politics Thread! Has anyone started or tried to start a Resistance Group or Indivisibles group in their neighborhood? I have access to a neighborhood on-line bulletin board, but I’m unsure of how to begin. Do I invite people to my house? To meet at a coffee shop? Do I put up flyers?

Put some weed in it, and I’ll buy it.

Yep. I was pulled over (in Florida, where I live...ugh) by an officer for speeding. Mind you, I had my signal on (which in and of itself is bizarre in Florida, because no one uses them. I actually thought cars were sold here without them), changed lanes one at a time (as opposed to sweeping across 3 or 4 lanes)

Not bothered by people bs-ing job interviews. Why this company/role? B/c you’re hiring and all office jobs/companies are essentially the same.

That’s funny because during one of the debates, I remember he was asked a question about “Mosul.” He answered in his typical fashion, using his pet phrases (“believe me ...” “folks, let me tell you ...” “people are saying ...” etc.), speaking loudly in a forceful tone and he kept repeating “Mosul” over and over and

No those people need to be reminded repeatedly and loudly that they fucked up bigly and are fucking morons and we all hate them.

Fuck them. They did a stupid thing and should be made to feel stupid.

You need to read ‘The Art of the Deal’ (or not, lol). You don’t start high. He’s broke I’d imagine, or at least doesn’t have much liquid assets. Thus, you start at say 50 million in cash (if not lower). He’d take it in a New York minute, no need to waste the other 1.95 billion.

One time, I forgot about a presentation I had in fourth grade. I didn’t research or read anything. Totally forgot about it for weeks. I did my best to wing it, but I only fooled the other idiot kids in the room, not my teacher. Every time Trump speaks, I hear that presentation.

aah i hadnt heard that bit of info.... getting stranger and stranger

I saw that yesterday!! Jeeezus, WHAT a way to go. >_< Broken limbs and hypothermia, hanging from a bin.

She was actually stealing the stuff in the bin. Karma, man

It’s even money between fired and strokes out one the job.