Now playing

The only lane Miley’s career needs to go at this point is the EXIT LANE

Last time food was bad but service ok, I tipped but left a bad rating of the place on their FB page. Their customer service reached out to me and eventually send me a $20 gift card only to use that location. I still haven’t gone back. it’s not in my area. I don’t even remember all the details but I recall the food

I refuse to tip for take out. That’s just ridiculous.

Not every server or anyone who works in service industry deserves a tip 100% of the time. This shaming people who didn’t tip is kinda assuming that the server was entitled to be tipped. I tip 20-25% most of the time but if the service was shit, I won’t.

thanks for the clear explanation!

Seeing your name, then Hamilton Nolan and I’m in!!!! woohoo!

all of this!

This evening my son is off to his Prom Night.

Thank you for realising that some instruction would be beneficial. I’m getting my first pair of proper bifocals after noticing my eye sight while driving is not what it used to be....

Hey thanks for the tip! Annnddddd just added that to my Spotify playlist so I can listen to it asap.

The part of DEAD POETS SOCIETY, after the play. Every time I watch. Also I miss the epic Robin Williams <3

OMFG... I was a wreck

That show is just too fucking emotionally draining. Sobbing my eyes out, resulting in puffy red eyes, every week? Nah fuck that shit.

I forgot to mention that a black Hummer had been seen before when people saw someone taking from the bin before. This was not her first time doing this. Weird indeed....

She drove her Hummer in the middle of the night to a Donated Clothes Collection bin, took a ladder with her, to steal clothes from the bin. Then lost balance while on her ladder while she was pulling out clothes, broke arm/wrist and died from the cold. That’s a fucked up way to die but wtf was she doing to begin with?

I watched it entirely, some how, and was very very disappointed. And confused. The focus was odd, more on promoting the famous beauty squad and gyms and barely on the actual candidates. Or Khloe.

Scientology got to those kids and since she was leaving their cult she was considered the devil, had to cut ties with her.

it’s spelled ROOIBOS It’s Afrikaans

it’s spelled ROOIBOS It’s Afrikaans

this here:

“ I think love commands us to see the humanity in bigots and try to understand them”