
have a good times you guys and don’t catch the coronavirus!

when are we organizing a group trip?

Thanks!  I couldn’t remember if that was real or just what I read in sci-fi books!

Thanks for the confirmation!

This makes me sad!

this is why rail guns in sci-fi stories all throw tungsten projectiles.

me circa 1981 says, “whoaaaaaaaaaaa”

those are the best bearcats

Go Devil?

This is really it. By being an overweight, erratic, petulant child, he’s ascended to arguably the most powerful position in the world and none of the people who could or should reel him in have even bothered.

You must be my good-universe twin (Cause, I’ve got the goatee) because this is EXACTLY the way I felt.

higher, further, faster, baby!

this needs more attention...

glad someone else watched ST:NV and ST:C! Mindsifter was great; I remember reading that short story in the 70s when I was 9 or 10 and thinking “whoa.” It was interesting to see it on film.

You could stand on the boardwalk in Atlantic City and see American ships burning on the horizon.

those are excellent bears.

I would say yes, for a variety of reasons.

Ivanka Trump loves a honkin’ big Dell laptop:

the character art isn’t that bad, either. some of the ship art was a little malproportioned, but what can you do. if the animation had been a little smoother, it would have been ok.

you could sell a television like that new for a premium!