I love when Mark lets the guitar be in charge
I love when Mark lets the guitar be in charge
I’ve never liked Jennifer Aniston. There. I said it. She was the worst Friend (yes, worse than Ross) and her presence in Office Space took something away from what was otherwise a perfect movie. I don’t think she can act. There. Said that, too.
But this election is not the time to support a third party. You support third parties by caring about elections and their issues every year at every level, not every four years for the highest office.
dragging things out, sucking more money out of her
“What the fuck are you doing with that bar of soap?!?”
So you know that running gag in movies and film about kids spanking it to the underwear section in their mom’s Sears catalog? I didn’t quite get what these films were alluding to, so I tried fucking a rolled up, glossy department store catalog when I was like 11.
ed. I’d just like to add that I tried this a few times…
It’s pretty crazy that 20 years ago, the only way to get into a 260HP car was to buy an actual sports car. Now a 260HP hatch is considered slow.
The biggest issue they have is raising the capital needed to expand to satisfy demand.
I insist on using the proper biological terms when discussing sex organs.
Never accept a sandwich at ThisGuys house. He may sound like a gracious host but he’s put his dick in all ofem.
Honest answers:
The man wakes up. Goes to work. Pays what I can guess is shitload of taxes...
You certainly can, although it would make you a hypocrite.
Because he’s making millions of dollars, he can’t make a(n accurate) political statement? Fuck you! Who is in a better position to comment on the state of race in America than a rich athlete? They understand the dichotomy of being rich, yet still being treated like a thug because black. They are able to reach the…
Just a reminder. People didn’t die so you have to stand for the national anthem. They died so you can sit if you so choose. Even if they don’t agree with someone’s opinion, they were willing to fight for it. That’s what makes this country great. (Even though we have our moments.)
“And with the first pick in the 2022 draft, the Dallas Cowboys select...”
When I see that the company has a F business rating from the BBB I think that company has some past due BBB invoices....
Anybody who looks at this against the new M3 (which, HOT TAKE, is a little bit vulgar compared to previous versions) and starts splitting hairs about the M3's performance being a liiiitle bit better is splitting incredibly tiny hairs; most drivers won’t get nearly close enough to the limit to notice or understand…
Or they have and then they go to a Caddy dealer and find out some of the salespeople are still stuck in the 90's.
I’m going to be flamed for this, but I don’t care. There can never be too much speed, I’m 62 and have been playing with cars in places called Lime Rock, Bryar, Thompson, Bridgehampton, Watkins Glen, Monticello, and more since I was 18. The problem we have is people who have no idea what they are doing being able to…