
There was always a car I liked when I needed one:

Ive had the misfortune of driving a couple of these from Abq to Santa Fe (a 2000+ foot elevation change in 45 minutes. Horrible seats, beyond horrible powertrain. My right foot truly ached from having to be to the metal to maintain anywhere around 80 mph. They do feel tight and handle ok though..

Just remember if you buy the tesla, you will pay sticker, and they will value your trade according to book value minus needed repairs/damage just like the local dealers you hate so much

What do you like liquor-wise? Im a boutbon guy myself. Neat please

Oh Drew. Major negative in the “how much to add sides” reply. Never, ever, should you add sauce to a steak. If a steak needs sauce, you should return it to the kitchen for another. If you require sauce on a steak, you should be ordering from the kiddie menu or buying salisbury steaks in tinfoil trays.

Best sport to watch drunk is hockey for sure. My ex was never much of a drinker and only liked baseball. We had a small city hockey league, and next thing you kbow she’d be trashed and screaming “blood on the ice” all night. Of course this resulted in as much of a turn on as a 4 hour baseball game...

The Republicans have a brilliant ability to associate poo poo and pee pee with transgender sex??? /cant believe i just typed that sentence/ We shall fillibuster their efforts with an endless reading of this

I love airport bars, but probably you are not going to the same place.

A war with China would be perfect. Trash the economy, and Mnuchen will be sure to allow the banks to robosign all our forclosures for the “war effort”. Patriots for Hoovervilles!!!

Did anyone miss the “stock buyback” part in the article? This is how the profits go to shareholders instead of workers. This is why fhe disillusioned vote for people like Trump, and do not understand that worker productivity will never benefit the worker, only the shareholder.

Carmax does no haggle, and in general charges 2k more for similar merch as the luxury store I work at and our prices are 4k profits!

Evangelicals can also be classified as the " poorly educated" love em

The picture has me googling Sling Blade, Private Pyle....just trying to put my finger on it...

Sambas are where its at and have been for four decades.

Too bad you can't play football or spell contract. Maybe then you could have been a hypocrite officer.

They just pictured the fanboy "tuner" version. Just thought to wait with the plastidip rims and illest and panty dropper sticker options until after production.

As a multiple Alfa owner, my first bought from the dealer (get off my lawn youngsters), I cant wait for the Guilia. Eventually a new generation in the US will know why Alfas are like nothing else.

As a kid golfer, my dad would not let me on a regulation course until i understood the proper etiquette. When learning to drive, it was all about if passing, hurry it up and get back right, use signals, lights on if it started to rain, etc.. The level of selfish, distracted no etiquette drivers with modern vehicles

It depends on if they are full or empty!

I can be a little pervy as a man closer to 50 than 40 and check out some 19 yr olds, but this gal looks like used up 35 wishing she was 19. Yuck