Glad to see their game against Brighton and Hove Albion went according to plan but really it’s was just what they’ve been able to do all year. They were deadly against Frimsby FC, solid against Quival Town, had that stellar comeback against Vinswich Passage, blanked Buscestershire (both at home and at Wriggleby Road)…
Atletico Madrid will somehow find a way to win this.
Arsenal 3, Chelsea 2, going by syllables, which always works.
My bold prediction for the final:
As a neutral my demands are for drama and total chaos, therefore all I want is for Olivier Giroud to score a banger for the winner and celebrating both Chelsea’s victory and Arsenal’s relegation to the Europa League while kissing the badge.
I feel like "sis" should be reserved for people whose humanity you acknowledge.
“wondering whether Kyrie Irving would rather play for [gulp] the New York Knicks. “
It’s not misspelled, Alexes was my way of saying they are both named Alex. Fair play, but they’re both fantastic players and Telles only has one cap for Brazil because, uh, Sandro.
This comment would hold more weight if you had said “Alexes Sandro and Telles have something to say about that.”
Its just perspective, if your kids were 7 foot tall Serbians their audio stuff would look small and janky as well. Also your kids school would be pure anarchy.
Paddack felt like he deserved the award and had been snubbed. We know this because he came right out and said so.
Oh my God, somebody go check on Kobe Bryant right now, because it sure looks like his brain's been stolen.
“Sounds fair to me!” -B. Haisley
Somebody who forced a Gold-Glove shortstop to third base when acquired by his team while putting up some of the worst defense ever at that position has the same right to talk about accountability as our current president has to talk about morality.