
I have about five people in my office right now, but they can’t see my screen.  By typing this comment I seem hard at work.

‘tis the story of office workers on the day before a holiday, everywhere

Windhorst looks like the kind of guy that never corrects his boss when he or she calls him Ryan. He just mutters “it’s fucking Brian” as the boss walks away. Then when the boss says “what’s that Ryan?” Brian says “Huh? I didn’t say anything.” Then at the office Christmas party, a drunk Brian tells everyone his real

I am also, right now, so totally not doing my job.

Sigh. Luckily his is a dying breed.

or written one

When I first saw the title of this post I actually thought to myself,it’s sad but makes sense Gladwell has gone Alt-Right”. This is actually kind of what too often happens when you have someone born into privilege who is not trained in biological science or statistics but thinks he’s good at both and has been

The most annoying person to be seated next to pretty much anywhere (public restroom, dinner party, flight, doctor’s office waiting room, jail, etc.) is anyone who has recently read a Gladwell book.

I think Malcolm Gladwell would argue that since there are birds in Nigeria, Larry Bird is actually on the Nigerian team.

Did Gladwell also talk about how the Greeks are the best sports handicappers?

According to Gladwell, Ewing was born in Jamaica and Jamaicans trace their DNA history back to Western Africa so.... Ewing is coming off the bench for the “Nigerian Allstars”

This is all made up. You can’t convince me that this was a real podcast. 

I still think a team of American beats that team. It would be a team of someone’s nighttime imaginings. A Team of Dreams if you will.

When Bill Simmons, he of multiple theories regarding fucking Teen Wolf, is the person rightly questioning your hypothesis, it is probably quarter baked at best.

You missed the part where Gladwell specifically asked Simmons to be on the podcast to drop these ramblings of a lunatic. He came up with this idea and said “I simply MUST get this out into the world as fast as humanly possible”. 

GLADWELL: Just try and come up with a team that beats that, under my categories.

This ended too soon. He’s following a tried and true progression.

Canada is going to be so moderately displeased when Nigeria tries to claim Steve Nash.

I think most people have realized that Gladwell isn’t nearly as smart as he tries to present, but I’m always struck by how, in spite of this, Bill Simmons still sounds completely, intellectually overmatched when they talk.

Yeah, and you also draft Aslan, because Narnians are basically Nigerians. Like, there are closets in Lagos that go to Narnia, and it’s got a lot of the same letters.