
Is it with or without pay?

“Also, one time he shaved Kourtney’s pussy for her, because she was too pregnant to be able to do it herself. Romance!”

Its cool, you’ll get over causeless rebellion when you’re older.

It’s not a Battlefield/Battlefront game if you don’t see players crashing flying vehicles into a single player.

Yeah, Gilbert has kids with Laura Govan, Gloria’s sister.

I’m not sure what it means either. I think it’s some sort of reference to the shit that went down between them this weekend and how NBA players get into disputes that blow-up, but I don’t know.

The fucked up thing about Gilbert Arenas is his total nonchalant demeanor actually puts me in a state of nonchalance when reading about him.

Burneko, this is right and good and correct and excellent and for a (one can only assume very) temporary period you are not the absolute worst.

Dammit, it’s October, 2015 and we still have to deal with this shit. Eventually, people will stop making jokes and laughing about a very cruel and serious subject. I, like many people who comment on this website, can’t stand hot takes; but in this particular situation I’d much rather read a strongly worded, over the

Goddamn this is the prefect comment. “God Bless America” in the seventh inning stretch is sooo fucking awful I can’t believe more people aren’t outraged by it.

A brief comment that’s funnier and more relevant than anything in the nearly thousand word “satirical” article it’s in response to.

But wouldn’t you just read it again?

Literally thought that was what the post was going to be about. Was sort of bummed it wasn’t.

Really hoping the Jays sneak “God Save the Queen” in there if they make it that far. Might end the stupid thing once and for all.

I’d ask someone to explain to me why this is funny, but I’m afraid that question assumes too much.

Pretty sure Bin Laden destroyed baseball by introducing “God Bless America” into the 7th inning stretch.

I’m going to bookmark this article the next time a football fan tells me he can’t figure out a ball or an infield fly. What a crap sport.

did they make Joe fly all the way back to the United States, or did they at least let him get a free European vacation out of the deal

Dolphins sign Ndamukong Suh, look like AFC contenders