
BUT HIS STRIKEO—*gets hit in the face by a 450 ft dinger*

As a Knicks fan, I’m happy Melo is gone. I will also almost definitely watch more OKC games than Knicks games this year.

It’s Chicago’s 2nd round pick, so it’ll be high 30s overall

Probably Crossfitters

A quarterback they don’t want, but a quarterback they kneed

I, too, peruse Reddit dot com

+1 laundry bag in the dumpster

The Mets can employ Tim Tebow for the same reasons and we can still laugh about it, too

She can be bitter she lost AND be making a valid point about the US Open propping up Sharapova for ratings/attendance, so I don’t get why you care so much

She was talking about Sharapova’s second round match on center court, against Timea Babos.

Now I’m assuming Richard Justice made his own Wikipedia page, and MLB hasn’t gotten around to cutting it yet.

This is good Kinja

Tweet has been deleted

All that aside, the way she’s trying to build a sob story narrative can be rejected by the fans

Did she have the crowd on her side? Cuz I would very much be on Team Boo

Chris Dudley. Every time he came into a Knicks game was a very exciting moment for all involved.


I’m bummed this isn’t a Jets fan

I think the term you were looking for is “touchdown”

Saw it described on Twitter as “Michael Bay fan fiction” and they’re not totally wrong