
So the hosts think they’re regular people, meaning they think they poop normally. Of course, they can’t register seeing what they’re not supposed to, so they wouldn’t likely notice that they’re releasing nothing. But that would seem to suggest that they at least perform the action of going into an outhouse, right?

This is what I want to know. Does the park monitor its guests to make sure they don’t die of dehydration or starvation? Otherwise wouldn’t people ride off with hosts who can push their bodies further (they think they need food and drink too, but don’t) and then get stranded?

Side note: Young William’s plotline used a crazy amount of hosts, right? The whole war that he participated in. We hear about the park losing money and them shutting down hosts, so I wondered if that was a tip-off that the park was focusing on different story lines when he was showing up in Lawrence’s city...

The hat thing seemed significant but I thought it could’ve been in a more general “Here is Morality, you must choose” sorta way. How The Man In Black greeted Lawrence and then Lawrence showing up in Young William’s timeline was what did it for me.

BuzzFeed’s version of this is gonna be so lit

I have never been more terrified of a player being abducted by the Mon-Stars

This photo should have had a trigger warning

It’s terrifying what this guy could do next

Damn, Shep, back at it again with some sick deals!

Damn, Shep, back at it again with some sick deals!

So the Indians gifted the Cubs a lead after being gifted a series lead earlier themselves?

Part time party timer here

Finally a pro scout recognizes Tebow as a quarterback.

There you go

Shep back at it again with another sick deal!

Shep back at it again with another sick deal!

Thoughts and prayers with the real victim of that wipeout, Art Briles.

Could the Patriots win with any of you at quarterback

Or maybe there was no good reason at all.

Whenever I see Schilling’s Twitter handle I think to myself how much Lou Gehrig would’ve loved Pepe the Frog Facebook memes

Even more impressive is he does it while ignoring all of the team’s video sessions

I feel like one of the problems is baseball is such a grind of a game that the payoff on-field is hard to show cinematically in the way of a hockey or football game-winning score. Like: then the main character heroically when 7 for his next 19 with an OBP of well north of .400 while saving several runs defensively in