when i buy the game for the PS3 those 12 addtional fighters are allready on the disc and will be available as DLC or if i buy the vita version? i mean....allready on the disc...really?
when i buy the game for the PS3 those 12 addtional fighters are allready on the disc and will be available as DLC or if i buy the vita version? i mean....allready on the disc...really?
didnt they always use hardware little bit ahead of its time so it can be usefull over a course of several years? dont see the use of 7670 when there is a GTX680 from nvidia
i dont get how you americans see prices. the lumia 100$ pricepoint is subsidized. buying it fullprize and getting an alternative plan could be cheaper on longterm.
"if Namco winds up releasing additional story mode content for individual characters as paid DLC, that may just set off fan outrage like they've never seen before." really? new gamers are like sheep in on the field, they will buy it...why? because they can! this will make devs think "hey lets cut more content"
ahm..what if i dont want an Facebook, twitter or google account and dont even want a fakeaccount or want to link any of those "because of some personal standards" ?
nothing of that is a valid compromise...sorry.
one thing: retail games get cheaper fast, considering console titles of AAA character which are more expensive for a long time. same stupid argument for PS vita games... damn games are cheaper on amazon than a download on PSN. the day everything goes digital, is the day i stop gaming. another thing....you dont own…
the thing is, i am not living in the us °-°" europe->germany. second thing i dont buy DLC, never did and never will buy. i sometimes play an old PS2 game like FF12 or dragonquest8. i am also avidly exchanging games with friends i have a new one, play it , give it to a friend and i get one from him/her. i cant hack…
game locking, permanent online connection and no backward compatibility is really a bad thing.backwars compatibility is why i have a original fat 60GB PS3 so i can play my ps2 games. i would have never imagined that one day i would be stopping to play video games or rather i would think of quitting gaming. gone are…
well i rather hear someone speak japanese, than try to bear someone spouting his text in german with the dubbing quality of a third rate 80s porn from the czech republic.
not just uzay...Uzay Savaşcıları —> Spacewarriors. we had many bootlegstuff back in those days. Thundercats: Lion-O's Sword, Voltron figures, Macross Valkyries ^-^ headman and bluestars really could be GI Joe action figures
because there are millions of idiots who dont care pay 2-3$/€/£ for a character
i thought US is "home of the free" o.O? they all export freedom and laser guided democracy to the world and at home they come with the end of the net neutrality, SOPA,PIPA, ACTA (yes acta is something the us mediarepresentatives invented). your sense of freedome is dependend on the dullness you feel towards the…
you can buy also 128GB SD cards but its like 0.8*GB price ratio for 32gig ones (also depending on class some much cheaper some much more expensive) a nearly 1*GB price ratio for 64GB one (also depending on speed) and the 128 has something like a 1,5*GB price ratio. lets say the next gen of PS3 will use a 4 layer BD…
but 90% of the other games sound like shit °-°". take "day of the tentacle" every other character sounds really really bad, i mean not just the voice but the dubbing, totally of and wrong rythm. take Ezio for example, in the english version he has a semi italian accent, he doesnt in german (played AC1,2, Brotherhood…
early mid 80's japan would be a burner. flashy neon lights, traditional city parts, finishing the rebuild of japan °_°. a pre-WW2 west china would be interessting too. something like shanghai, hong kong and macau.
Hamza or Achmed for the males, Surreya or Refike for the females *laughs*
hate me all you want, but i was allways against DLC. i warned many times "people look, DayOneDLC just meants, they cut content intended for the game to market it later on". i could accept an add-on 5-6 months after the games was released like "we saw, people liked our game sofar and we would like to add some more…
europeans O.o"""""