thats the concept of money...its based on the trust and hope of the user because it is not based on any value anymore. so first research than judgement
thats the concept of money...its based on the trust and hope of the user because it is not based on any value anymore. so first research than judgement
dont bury a thing before its dead
isnt there a way to get the pill button back? there is no easy way to toggle the toolbar of different applications and i miss "pinch to zoom" in the Finder.
or DiskWave...well maybe with that many functions, but it shows you which application uses your space to and works with the build in finder-preview
in the end its just a i wont ever play the full game, except its for free or someone sends me his account. no psn games for me, not matter how innovative or emotinal they are
first test the OS then complain "oh no its not a WP7 phone"
"optional" is the word i like most in gaming and can do it the new way BUT classic handling still included *applaudes*
they way you put on Youtube videos sucks. O.o" or dont you use the controlls.
i knew, when there were times were build quality etc mattered and features and not "oh it looks like the old one" or "i cant find apps" i guess a phone working and doing things its supposed to do without apps ain't good enough anymore. nokia was killed that way might be BADA, MeeGo, WebOS
in the end...its just a game....a guy playing heist wont get a criminal mowing down guardsmen. O.o" i didnt see many people who played one of those modern shooters, charted a plane and went straight to iraq just because they have been influenced by that game.
problem with customs here is, that those people open the packages sometime or want you to open the package. declaration is ok if they believe you, but you will be getting screwed if the price does not match the one writtien on the describtion. importing is like gambling, sometimes you loose, sometimes you win ^-^
so the wii u controller is not an extra but will be shipped with the machine? i thought its a wii u extension. and yea you are right i totally fogot about the GameCube and Gameboy connection.
the fact the memory cards are proprietary sucks the most. letting us use a normal micro SD card would have been the best solution. price wise and compatibility wise...transfer savegames back and forth
the controller thing reminds me of the PSP connect ..PSP to PS3...where you could/can use your PS3 via PSP. i dont wanna sound like "hey thery copied it" they didnt ...the copied it...refined it and made something totally different. *looks at his PSP+PS3 and broken promisses*meeh.. i like them bot on a individual…
i hope so ^-^ since i am thinking of using the NGP on the bus while going to university or work. i wohnt have that space to move around or the dexertiy in the moving vehicle (i didnt have it while playing DS)
is there a way to play it without touch?
i dont know where you are from ^-^ but my importing cost thing is for germany and might be applicable for the whole european union except UK.
but importing has its own costs which could ad upp too 20% extra . 249$ are now 169€ and in case of germany 201,11€ with vat and around 223€ with the additional 13% importing tax vor goods with a local value between 139€ and 250€ ^-^. right now its not worth importing.
the americans pay their taxes extra and we europeans have the vat mostly allready in the price. if the dollar gets any weaker we will get ripped of though ^-^
most stupid name ever....hate that logo beneath the screen BUT i am even more stupid....i want one...i will still call it ngp though. i hope for jump n runs