
worst sony idea ever. killing its own brand with a PSP phone produced by a struggeling joint venture. PSP phone is the wrong move. SE should call it a gamecentric device but NOT anything related to the Playstation family. that thing is Fugly too °-°"""

physical controlls over touch...and i dont believe in a iPhone as a gaming platform. i cant compare a 4 hour shooter to a 15 hour platformer. in my opinion PSP games dont look thaaaat bad allthough the plattform is 5 years old, runs on 333mhz, 32(64 newer models)MB ram. i cant imagin what a new psp will bring graphic

@Toshi: dont know if it really works that way. i started smoking with 21 ^-^"after a break up. but i ate those chocolate cigarettes like there was no tomorrow.

@atomriot: its cheaper to look for new lifeforms on earth or check the possibility of those than going for a trip to alpha-centauri

@wetterberg: o.ô i once walked on a flat surface and well off...true story...

@Salacion: thats true too, forgot that.

it's said that plastics (i.e. silicon) might be the cause for the infertility of men.

i know where her thumbsticks are hihihihi ^-^

now we need one hardware hack so the kinect can send out IRlight in different spectrum and the cameras adjusted to the ^-^ 360°view

@Jono: *laughs* thats the artistic view for you. it also could have been a Mercedes 300SL

in the turkish star trek movies was planned as a comedic movie anyways so ^-^ laughter is intentional, since turist ömer (hero with the hat) well is traveling around after is first two movies. space was just the final frontier ^-^ watched them all in my childhood, were somewhat funny

@Doctor Insano: i think he is wearing a neck tie for a headband °_°"

GT5 first of the classiest openings ever. from a artistic perspective its great

@rapchee: thanks guys...i tried modify headers and proxy stuff. i dont have a lucky for this proxy stuff. some dont work or some are so slow....waiting 30 minutes for a videois boring... maybe i should try again. but point is those greedy guys are keeping me away from new experiences. maybe i would like the song and

i know its off-topic...but i hate geo-fencing - . - trailer one and two doesnt work for me "not available in your country"

he has to climb it with the rear gear...the torque is bigger through the transmission

although we do live in a world, where we can laugh without actually laughing and hear somebody without actually hearing and say things without actually talking, i still want tactile feedback. i want something to rumble or somthing i can touch.

i had to i a bad person ? °~°

i think i am too stupid to consider this as sarcasm. °-°""" the guy who uploaded the video should be appled

one word: parents. they buy the games....if they dont wont their children to play ego shooters, they shouldnt buy them. dont blame other for your own shortcomings. games are rated. if its for mature audience 18+...dont buy it for your 14 year old son.