
although we do live in a world, where we can laugh without actually laughing and hear somebody without actually hearing and say things without actually talking, i still want tactile feedback. i want something to rumble or somthing i can touch.

i had to i a bad person ? °~°

i think i am too stupid to consider this as sarcasm. °-°""" the guy who uploaded the video should be appled

one word: parents. they buy the games....if they dont wont their children to play ego shooters, they shouldnt buy them. dont blame other for your own shortcomings. games are rated. if its for mature audience 18+...dont buy it for your 14 year old son.

@Mattroid: even for navigating its not good, maybe for page changes. it should be a big very high resolution, high pixel density 16:9 screen and buttons

someone ever tried motorola backflip...the backside touch area? horrible!

jade me it was a grown up pokemon

@Rebellion598: but its completely japanese RPG...what western media critisizes.. i dont care since i grew up with it on sega and ninty...but all the newcomers will complain again

not even backlit remote hum?

one word: Yes! but with one "but"in two words: "more muscles".

@turwaith: as i understood it, there isnt even a kayboard included °-°" i mean, why should they sell one extra? who needs two keyboards for one box? stereo typing?

o.ô a small fine standard remote died hum? no more zapping in a dark room i guess. a fine evening in fine ambient light.

a slide out should have been leat when the girlfriend comes home and you are caught watching internet porn/bollywood 3 1/2 hour love movie epos...dont think you can switch channels that fast

EA removing Playable US soldiers for the Middle Eastern version? ô.O

so short for "games looks good but actually is to easy too beat" and uncharted didnt have falshing objects showing me the way. looks nice though.i think ill get it when it gets cheaper.....12hours cheap

@MDog: exactly my thoughts...there are 20year old fitness chicks who look like ugly ducklings set aside compared to this lady

love the dresses and boots ...but 3D still didnt catch me

@ToonLink97: i hope too they have cartridges...a 4-6gig card in a propietary format. would use less energy than a umd drive and still a physical format. physical formats can still be sold or buyed used (in case of you didnt like it that much or you would only buy it at a cheaper price point). and yes batterylife is

why is it that i cant change the language of somegame allthough different languages are in the demo °-°"""....Enslaved...console is set for german for various reasons but id like to play games in english. same for some EA games.

@Eskintoro: it needs a second infinity button, else chuck norris would be disappointed since he regularly counts to infinity two times a day