
o.ô kotaku opened a "make a wish" thread hum? why not a "if i could imagine PSP2" or "if i could imagine a mBox (or xHeld or Xmini or xbox180)" then poll every aspect you want to see, at least realistical aspect with price estimates. then kotaku sends them to sony, ms, ninty and will get declines or no comments, so we

wee played Wii and PS3 ....i lost most of em

happy new year from good ol' Krautville...ah germany ^-^. many good games, a lot good animes, mangas, comics but most important a good health for all of you and your family

@BalramRules: it's just japan o,7% of the world population maybe just 10% of global gaming market. japan is just a prestige maket for MS since they sell there 10K consoles but nearly (just exagerated estimates) 1 mio consoles on the rest of the world. xbox wont die if the sell there less

@Koztah: who inseminates robin..................OH O__O" now it all makes sense...latex....dark caves....masks...very few interactions with females..and if there are some they all end in tragedies..holy pickels jar batman and robin die gaynamic duo

@Koztah: i know but , catwoman has no fur (none we know of)wears latex and penguin cant lay an egg ^-^

@Polterg3ist plays bass in a band: batman laid an egg like most aireal creatues do and robin crawled out of it. the procedure repeated several times as batman found new mating partners, like catwoman, some cheap models for his bruce wayne nature and harleyquinn(the unholy union now one knows about)

@I_Like_TDs: at least it will help iron out glitches, add QC time , bothe helps buying a feature complete game than semi gold 0.9RC with full spectrum patch and 2-3 additional DLC levels for 14,99 as for the whole retail game with 15 levels cost 53,95

@Ribbuku: i hoped too there where more...i always thought sceneries are very essential to fighting games, the more the better.

@Grind_Axis: i expected at least what sony said "buy games, get home goodies for free: home symbiosis" damn baldhead told stories and left for atari

@iidxMANIA: think i am going to do it the same way. i think it doesnt really make any sense anymore to buy games on start if 6-7 months later a all inclusive game gets released for half of the price (fall out/star war the forece unleashed sith edition/ oblivion goty). it also is true i feel kept from the full

i think FF are among the few franchises where shipped=sold. not like other games shipped a million sold couple hundred thousend

@khronos: it would really sell like crazy...just consider those fanatics buying everything related to FF7..they'd buy it even if they knew it will shatter their sweet memories. a FF7-2 could be more interessting, since sephiroth got revived a bit in Advent Children. FF7 staring original crew, return of Aeris... Tifas

@Salen: oh sorry i thought he allready bought one...youre absolutly right, if one has only 10-20 spare a month, than there are more important things than monthly fee yes or no. i bought a PS3 as its sales started(early adopter)..and monthly fees are a bother for me ^-^ i owned a 360...nice piece of technology, a tat

@Salen: and what if your not short on income but you bought tha gaming system because you thought "in the log run its cheaper because playing online is free, wallpapers are free, avatars are free, additional little things are free" japp bandwidth is expansive but big three selling points advertised E3 2005/2006:

@Mister Cow Pnoy: may i have one to i am not allready too late

@Vrank92: which three games? GT prologue demo, gt prologue aand? wasnt GT4 released in 2005?

@B0GiE: in the case of GT5 4 years

really sure we dont need "hentaku"? °-°"