If you believe you couldn't save her...well quite frankly you don't deserve to play that game again!
Well I know I'm going in it for the single-player. If the multi-player flops, at least me and Kirk will be there to play it!
Haha jokes on you if people killed him :3
Will it allow me to record things such as, "This is Commander Benjamin, and this is my favorite porn star on me"?
Will it control whether I say paragon or renegade responses to people?
Yea you did post this a good bit ago!
That is going to be interesting
I will totally buy some a steam game (cheap) of they mention my name in their plead
There can only be one explanation: hippies
welcome to the family brother. Considering you was starred based on a comment, you already get props from me.
I know that friend. Blame Erwin over there.
Oh lololololol you don't have rights until we give them to you
Unapproved commenters. We starred citizens have magical goggles on that allow us to see these things.
Erwin what are you doing?? Approving them for such negative comments is not a good thing. Have you no sense of justice?? :[
Then later today we have our favorite comment of the week "This article fucking sucks." More on that later.
I think you get my point. To reiterate: don't say something negative for no good reason. Also welcome to Kotaku. Lucky you got me to reply to you unlike the other pink people responding to me.
well not the most mature thing to do but whatever floats your boat
Wait a second...why do I feel like this was already reported on Kotaku? Not to be mean Evan but I have a feeling, when I was using Google Chrome, I bookmarked it and played around with it.
Everyone. Shut the fuck up. If you don't like it then don't click it. If I want to hear people bitching about the small things, I'll go to Facebook.