(Perverted joke of the day) But WHERE do I explode?
(Perverted joke of the day) But WHERE do I explode?
Well I nicknamed my hat the "Lucky Box"
Boy I sure do hope I don't get in trouble
I see what you did there...
I love how I get an Editor's approval and yet I can't even formally express it to him because of the silliness of the character restriction (which I do not blame Kotaku for this because my money is on the fact that they would rather try to play an online match of Super Smash Brothers: Brawl than to do this to the…
Also adding a picture to your profile makes you stand out. And I would recommend trying out a Photoshop contest, for not only will you learn a little bit about photoshopping, you will also have a chance to become a starred member of Kotaku such as myself
Well sir may I welcome you to Kotaku. As a new commenters your comments can only be seen by starred commenters such as myself or editors. When you are approved or such then your comments will be viewed by all. With the new additions to the site, your comment does not have to be promoted for everyone to see…
I see where this is going friend
I said boobs...not phallic objects sculpted into a penis...
But apparently everyone goes ape-shit about a few boobies...
Mario Kart: Double Dash?!? What is wrong with you sir?!
If I had time, patience, proper instructions, a helper monkey, take an Electric Engineer class in my school for two semesters, have a lot of Doctor Pepper, have a pillow for when I get pissed, and money to get what I needed, then I could maybe possibly do this...
Damn it I knew this was going to get the internet talking :(
Depends if he got more than he payed for...
Sorry I had a hard time deciphering it. I love unlocking stuff on the game too and I am okay with developers doing that because people like me (where I live) have a mifi for my internet and and if all I have to do is unlock it through the internet and then be able to use it (regardless I would have to go somewhere…
So you are on the side of "Don't give it to me if I have to play extra for it"?
Where is Anonymous when you need them?
I can see some reprocussions on the internets for this. I call for death (or as a lesser alternative: Maming) to the man!
For me I always like to think of it (using another situation) that..well lets see. Remember when you were in Elementary School and the days felt so long and yet as you get older things just feel like they move so Quickly? Well I like to believe that it is the way we understand time in our own ways that makes time feel…