
So, without defending Tesla, who the fuck does actually find Consumer Reports relevant?

Well, that’s mostly there to make small business owners pay Yelp a monthly fee. Pay the fee and we stop putting your competitors on your page. Yeah, sounds like a real great company there!

Exactly. Yelp is a total scam operation in multiple ways.

Wow, a consumer group is teaming up with Yelp, one of the biggest scammers out there? Guess they really must hate google if they are so willing tho throw themselves in with a company like that.

Yelp and TripAdvisor should fix thier own community issues first.

I wish Google would introduce a search block/filter list so I can remove Yelp, Pinterest, and certain other sites from all my seach results.

I’d like Yelp more if it didn’t include an add for a place different than the one I looked up mixed in with the reviews so it’s easy to click on by mistake.

If they want people to not stay on the Google ecosystem maybe Yelp/Trip Advisor should stop using google maps.

Google did sell off Zagat, a few months ago:

If yelp didnt make me try to download an app i migjt use it. Until then fuck off.

While I understand the potential issues of Google’s dominance, at least they are not invested enough in user reviews to operate like fucking Yelp, which often resembles a mafia racket.

My wife’s from Beijing; we had delicious home-made Chinese food for dinner. BTW, is this the “Milo” from “Milo and Stitch” or “Milo and Otis?”

Im just guessing but I bet when his little interweb shittacular fades to dust, heand Milo have a business in location based entertainment. The kind where conservatives invite him to events and he does his crackpottery to a captive audience at alt-right conferences and PAC fundraisers where the attendees get to see the

No where in this blog post did it mention that the 14 people that quit are actually working on this project.

Fuck these Google ex-employees.

Most people who are rich are white.

The intersectionality of this article is (and Earther in general) is tiresome.*braces for Kinja hate-storm* I’m against a mandate for solar for entirely different reasons *oh God I should have used a burner account* - but if the goal is cleaner energy and helping the planet, are you going to put your foot down and

I’m getting tired of this trope that white people are the only ones who can be rich.
Are there disproportionate rates of poverty between POC and white people? Sure, but this hot take that it’s for “Rich WHITE People” is bullshit.

This is one of the most inefficient and ineffective ways to get rid of under-performing employees.

I was once asked to vouch for a fellow employee. I didn’t feel it should fall on me to decide if someone keeps their job or not. I told the boss “he actually reminds me of you”. When he was fired a few months later the boss was mad that I’d vouched for him. I pointed out that what I said wasn’t intended to be a