
Wtf are you talking about? Blue collar isn't synonymous with poor you self important dickbag. And lots of skilled workers (blue collar) play golf. And not because of the amount of money they make. They do it for the same reason I fish on the weekend...which is the same reason you go antiquing or do needlepoint. Rich


What did Bubba Clinton do for baseball?

Who? “Urban” people??

ARe you a pro? If so, yes.

It absolutely disproves that there is a barrier. Rich people don't do ANYTHING with poor people. They both jog...but you're fucking retarded if you think they do it in the same places generally...yet there's no barriers to running. So, rich people play golf. But they don't play with poor people. Poor people play

Dumb bastard. He’s saying that he and millions of others find action and drama in golf (not me, but to each their own). Then he was also saying...that he doesn’t give a shit what you find dramatic and or action packed. He’s saying that you , and especially your opinions...don’t matter.

Sure bud...perhaps your more of a thunderdome guy. But all other sports have rules as well. Even at Outback Steakhouse! They say, “no rukes, just right”, but try telling your server than after they catch you masterbating under the salad bar🤷‍♂️

Fucking idiot. I don't like golf at all...I just kinda find all sports interesting, but golf is just not my thing. That said, what professional sport do you watch where the competitors aren't rich? Bum fights? You sound like a child. I'm gonna have to assume you are a minor.

Wait, I thought you wrote this blog post...ffs, it's like you're arguing against the entire tone of your own piece 🤦‍♂️

Who the fuck seeded this thing tho??? I can't argue with your logic. TRENTINGTON OUTHOUSE? And a DOCTOR to boot???? Surely unassailable. But dijonaise? DIJIONAISE the MADE UP WORD from a dam condiments brand???  Them meeting outside the final 4 is criminal:-/

Who the fuck is buying duck fat to maleness croutons?!?

Personally I founded it hilarious that chad hates chud.

Lol...or he could just vote for politicians who encourage the nypd to just murder the fuckers:-)

MLB will pay just as much in salary with or without a few dozen extra Cubans...and the MLBPA members will pay just as much (probably more actually) in taxes to this country. Unless the deal involved expansion of the league? Your point is a bad one.

This would end up being a sort of monkey’s paw wish...for if poor Anna were to actually sell a trillion books, she would then, no doubt, become a trillionaire many times over...forced to attend meetings with (and as) the very lizard people she has dedicated her journalistic endeavors to debunking 🙀🙀🙀

But you didn't ...instead you picked the only other Mexican guy widely known to have made a big transfer into the premiership 🤷‍♂️

How does this have no likes??? Probably the best fencing joke in the whole comment section:-(

Seriously...he said it was “about unemployment” in 1930's Europe...pretty sure it was about “Jews”. So, since that was all important to a portion of the electorate, that means Frum knows the “Jews to be a problem”, I wonder what final solutions he'll write about as 2020 draws closer🤷‍♂️

Becky, beckey behka, becca...the list goes on.