
That’s honestly who I thought it would be about when I read that a Nic person had been canned. Those whispers have been almost as strong as Weinstein’s.

So is anyone going to mention Dan Schneider next? I imagine the execs at Nick have had a very nerve-racking few weeks over him.

It’s because the DC/NoVA area is mostly transplants who all root for other teams. It’s a not an area most locals grow up in and then stay.

“repeatedly accused”

See, this is the shit that ends up making Taco Bell the only restaurant in the future.

Dammit I was paying for Sweet Dixie to give me diarrhea, not Popeye’s!

I waited in a drum of oil for about 5 minutes, then jumped out at him. He was pretty cool about it, but he wouldn’t shake my hand.

Not me. I wake up each morning with a Colt 45, like God intended.

Emma Stone, is that you?

I’ve been a David Cross fan for over a decade, and my first thought when reading Yi’s account was, “Cocaine’s a helluva drug.”

What’s impressive is that even with that title I think it’s probably his least assholish album, his later ones just veered heavily into the Bill Hicks “let me tell you idiots in the crowd why you’re idiots” style. Him being an asshole is the least shocking thing ever, I’m just glad it’s not in the shape of his

The ovaries want what they want, man.

Seeing this made me realize just how much I miss Letterman. He’s a goddamned treasure.

You really live up to your screen name.

The media is responsible for amplifying his tweets as is. There’s not a huge percentage of people on it, particularly if you subtract the bots. If a number of outlets agreed “we’ll report on it once you make an actual statement” it would go a long way to cutting the legs out of his preferred bullshit.

Damn, how much more burning can California take?

My mindset as a hotel-room-specific-nudist: “you fuckers are probably never gonna see me again. Here’s my ass.”

God bless the Gig Economy.

For real. This is a golden opportunity, dammit!

Yes there are worse things to see.