
If you’re from AV Club and claimed your account per the instructions, you’re “suppose to” be ungreyed automatically. If you already had a kinja account from other sites, it appears the only way is to be approved by someone that works for the site

I find straw boaters are quite snappy

It behooves me to say that I’d like to kick heiress’ ass.

Fucking millenials turned all the lights red on my way home.

I mean, Gotham’s made it this far, against literally all odds. Ain’t nobody dropping it this far into the show that’s made it to this point.

“No. You can’t ask.” - CBS Executives.

I’m trying to decide how much of my “lock him up and throw away the key” reaction is based on what a gross pig monkey predatory piece of shite he is and how much is based on my anger over his fucking up the election.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’d like to hear more about this Labor Day special.

This whole review comes off as sloppy and distracted, missing points and details (like Garrison being the president in question) from beginning to end. It’s actually a little professionally embarrassing, if you ask me.

It is Garrison as “the President”. That is why they never mention the name Trump and it would explain why one of the tweets says something along the lines of “I know Tweek personally”.

Seriously?? Setting aside the crazy in complaining about the cartoon, being a loving spouse and parent as one’s identity, regardless of gender, is an awesome ambition, and one that should be celebrated. 

I cackled with glee at Chidi going back to the almond milk as the cause of his eternal damnation.

I am beginning to suspect the reason Rosie and Trump go at each other is because pathological narcissist game recognizes pathological narcissist game. 

She does not seem like a good person.

Rosie is pissing me off. She’s still the parent but she wants to fight like equals. Tweeting about Chelsea’s mental illness and being hit by her BF is fucking gross. The more she publicly humiliates her, the more isolated the girl is going to be. Rosie is the looniest one of all. She’s talking about “didn’t u love me

You’re entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is terrible.

I recently worked with Pia. She’s a treasure.

Yeah you’re about the only person who feels that way. It was brilliant.

That’s ridicous? It was perfectly plotted through out.

This is far more serious than the gerbil story. No one was assaulted by Richard Gere, except that poor, poor gerbil, allegedly.