
No Max on Max?

Oh, you’ve got a piano now? Looks like I’m getting HBs scattered, smothered covered and topped with Burt’s Chili

I like this idea if only to torture your coffee snob friends

When I was but a lad, it was a big deal to have a birthday party at McDonald’s for some reason. I was always a little disappointed that I never got to have one there.

Hardee's burgers improved so much when they introduced the Thickburgers. It used to have the worst of the major chain burgers.

Right away Mr. B

I did watch SMaH when it came out, and really enjoyed it

A teenaged Supergirl and adult Superman is the classic dynamic between those 2, I thought.

This reminded me of the old Best Restaurant in New York things from Rich and Caity and then i got sad.

Is The Deuce any good? I keep thinking about watching it, but can’t seem to pull the trigger.

Norm MacDonald’s true talent is self-sabotage.

The report is wrong about that being DC lore, is what i was saying. Unless it has changed recently, which with all the reboots is a definite possiblity

I think a squirrel got in there?

I like Crashing. I thought it was funny.

But Supergirl’s story is that she was waylaid by something in space and arrived late, so Superman wasn’t a baby, he was a grown man when she finally got to earth.

Why waste 120 minutes on Flashpointe, just reboot the thing with smaller heroes (like Captain Marvel and Aquaman) and ignore those Snyder movies like they never happened. Keep WW but ignore the JL continuity.

It’ll be like Black Santa only a thousand times worse

Ysh, I can remember many hungover Sundays where a L&O marathon on TNT was just what the doctor ordered

There were rumors about this basically right after the game.

Subway’s been terrible ever since they stopped cutting a V in the top of the bread.